
We're not asking for much.. In fact if every mature Canadian would put just $1 towards this important cause we will have raised $25-million! You are able to accept online donations directly to our registered Non-Profit, or can provide you with the information you need to donate directly to our beneficiaries.

Click here for more information.


A trip like ABOVE+BEYOND CANADA is run as efficiently as possible, yet still carries a fair chunk of overhead expenses. Even with the generosity of our existing sponsors, your contribution to helping our team move across this vast country will go a long way towards our goals of successfully completing this challenge, while raising enough funding to send 2000 underpriledged children to camp next year.

Click here to learn more about the benefits of sponsorship.


While we consider ourselves to be experts when it comes to running a campaign like this, YOU are the expert when it comes to your community. We are constantly searching for volunteers all across the country to help us co-ordinate anything from an ideal landing site in your home town, to a full-blown community fundraiser for the cause or anything in between. Give us enough notice and we can schedule to land and take part.

Click here to find out more.


ABOVE+BEYOND CANADA's impact is far greater when the individuals of a community are already aware of our cause and nature of the event. You can support us through promotion in so many fun and exciting ways, from contacting your local media, to printing off some of our posters and putting them in windows around town to just emailing a bunch of your friends and telling them that you found this awesome website!

Click here to get more ideas!